Club Leonardo is situated in North Hungary, 45 km from Budapest, 12 km from Esztergom and 4 km from the river Danube in the "gateway"of the Gerecse Mountain. It has beautiful green surroundings in the centre of the amaizing village Mogyorósbánya.
Guests of Club Leonardo can directly step on the "Blue Tourroute" and reach the Rock of Mogyorós with its amaizing Panorama after 30 minutes walk in one direction. Following the other direction they can visit the Old Lake of Bajót and the Holy Cross of Péliföld, which is a very famous place of pilgrimage, and the annual 100 km Tour "Kinizsi" touches this place as well.
There’re many further opportunities of leisure from swimming to visiting museums in the neighbouring historical city Esztergom.